Because we allharbor ambitions.
the $15 millioncapitalcampaignfor theCohen soundwatersharbor center

the SoundWaters Young Mariners program
has been instilling critical life skills in
energized young students.

in authentic high level marine research
performed at the water’s edge, in the lab
and aboard our research vessel.

good paying jobs. Harbor Corps will provide job
skills training, and place disengaged young people
in entry level maritime jobs.

from a sense of achievement.
kids experience that sense of achievement.
Cohen SoundWaters Harbor Center.
Confidence Building.
The waterfront offers a unique location with direct access to Long Island Sound, our greatest natural resource and million acre classroom.
The Cohen SoundWaters Harbor Center will provide space and resources for the Young Mariners program to grow, for Research Intensive to provide research opportunities for college-bound students and for Harbor Corps to provide job skills training for young adults seeking prosperous, stable careers.
View a Google Earth flyover to BoCcuzzi Park.

At the heart of the project is working with local youth to chart a course towards success.
Opening in 2022, the 12,000 square-foot Cohen SoundWaters Harbor Center will include:
Classroom space for year-round learning A new dock for our Young Mariners A fully equipped shop for Harbor Corps job training A wet lab and dockside tanks for Research Intensive student research Green design embedded throughout
View the construction progress.

The $15 millioncapitalcampaignfor theCohen SoundWatersHarbor Center

deserving young people the tools to study, sail
and grow into successful young adults.
What They're Saying
CT Governor, Ned Lamont
“This building is about helping kids better understand the environment they live in and it’s about learning in a different way.”
Alex Cohen, President, Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation
“SoundWaters is more than a neighbor to us, they are an important part of our community providing education, access, and opportunity to our local youth while protecting our local waters. We are more than happy to support their new Harbor Center.”
Stamford Mayor David Martin
“SoundWaters has played a critical role educating and enriching youth in Stamford for more than 30 years. The new Cohen SoundWaters Harbor Center allows SoundWaters to expand this role, and anchors the City’s revitalization of Boccuzzi Park, while increasing resources for education, maritime job training, and recreational access to Long Island Sound. I thank SoundWaters their continued service to our young people and encouraging environmental responsibility for the Sound, and I thank the Cohens for their leadership and commitment by providing the support to make this wonderful Harbor Center dream a reality.”
Virgil de la Cruz - Waterside Coalition
“SoundWaters has brought positive change to our community: more students learning, more community members engaged and more people enjoying our waterfront. SoundWaters is a great neighbor and our community partner; we wholeheartedly support their project to create a Harbor Center to teach and train the next generation.”
Neil Perry - Marine Science Teacher
“The students are doing research at a high level in the marine environment…this gets kids out into the real world.”
Steve Schafer - Stella Mar Oyster Co.
“I want to create jobs that people can build families around, but we need a pipeline like Harbor Corps to help young people get into this industry.”
Nick - High School Student
“As a Young Mariners intern, I grew as a person and gained a love for the sea and sailing. Without these programs, I would not be the person that I am now.”
Making An Impact on our Youth
The Cohen SoundWaters Harbor Center will provide space and resources for the Young Mariners program to grow, for Research Intensive to provide research opportunities for college-bound students and for Harbor Corps to provide job skills training for young adults seeking prosperous, stable careers.